Soon everything will be covered in
️️'s !!!!
Congrats characters, you've all been franchised. T-Shirts, Phone covers, toys, you name it-- we can now legally sell you. Everyone should now always refer to their characters with the
️️ symbol following the name, as well as any location or reference to the titles.
"Where are we going, there's nothing out here!" Tyrin
️️ asked.
️️ shrugged in response, squinting his eyes to try and make out The Council
️️ in the distance. "I don't know, it's hard to find things out here... in The Wild
Kale: ..... this is a joke, right?
Of course not, Kale
️️. Here in The Wild RP
️️ we take things very seriously.
Take Things Very Seriously©️️ is a registered trademarked catchphrase of the The Wild RP©️️ and JayFire Studios©️️.Obviously this is a joke, well not all of it, we do have trademarks and basic copyright protection so we could legally throw one of those symbols after whatever the heck we want as long as it pertains to The Wild Series️️
and there is a full breakdown of all the legal stuff over in the update page but yeah basically we own you charries now and we about to make some money selling your souls and talents wherever we please. Maybe we'll try and sell you to Disney so you can all be in a musical. The stamps on your face mean you are now legally claimed by the person or entity that made you within the website.